Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Hypocrisy acts on character

While working on the morality aspect of human nature and getting an understanding of it from the multidisciplinary perspectives. What was recorded or goes as an observation, that humans by nature are ingrained with enough laziness. A strong weakness that acts on their character, as they often fail to full fill their commitments or any set targets. They believe and act differently. They even preach what's not in their habits.A style of going with a regular one word - sorry.You've rightly processed the lines and recalled it as the definition of hypocrisy.An approach of acting for some temporary rewards or some incentives of power. 
Firm to their morality standards, followed by genuine intentions to pursue them in the real life can't be generalised in the contemporary times, as men and women of any socal status or role fail to prove it as a reality. Only because everyone wants to pursue something that's within his or her scale of reach. Nobody here has desired patience, care and temperance to act with all possible outcomes. Nothing should go against you and that's where the natural laws don't bless you as it goes against it's own set standards. To make it anyhow a reality, men and women got oftenly engaged in a variety of hypocritical behaviours and through the compounding of that very behaviour are declared as men or women of hypocrisy. Ironically they then try to justify hypocrisy which's otherwise unjustifiable. And that's a false use of psychological defense mechanisms. And a wrong move to protect your ego from further disintegration. That's where it's called to be wired in your nature or developed in the personality. 
Work on your behaviour and personality and let you overcome the laziness(to act on your words and beliefs).Otherwise you've created a realm of hypocrisy and kingdom of falsehood. Wakeup, be patient, commit only what only is in your reach, nod with no if you can't handle, face the fear of being incomplete or growing up, stand on your principles and avoid being in an association of hypocrites. 

Monday, 26 December 2022

Speak with skills

Everyone has a strong covert desire to be more expressive or assertive. But there're many, who can be placed at the extremities on that scale. They articulate and speak out every stuff, not bothering about the required circumstances and any consequences.And are least patient to bother to listen to the patient listener.Though everyone has some share in it. Being at any ends on this scale reflects just mere deviation and poor communication skills.it impacts adversely on your personality.And that needs a strong intervention programme in the form of typical and regular counselling sessions or even sometimes more holistic approach like CBT is the last viable panacea. 
Nothing goes unobserved, a day will reach where your every word will be counted and achieves a strength to impact the all others.Now you're been taken seriously. And you're supposed to retake everything and rethink how your behaviour has been till date.
As time passes words gain real meanings and more strengthens their impacts on the surrounding people.So a wise go more silent or speaks on created scenarios. Grow with age and act with wisdom. That's what maturation is defined as. Otherwise be ready to face the wrath of your misconduct. So get trained to speak judiciously and let you be a better listener instead of being a bitter speaker or a vocalist. 

Sunday, 25 December 2022

Life and its colors

Life has many colours. Sometimes you'll feel it as if that moment was only meant for you and you wish if it lasts far and far. But soon you're been placed somewhere where even men and women of potent integrity and patience do hardly raise their heads with any appealing composure. However, these days too pass and the very old scenarios of comfort, love, care, contentment,health, security, peace and prosperity again resurface out.The cycle continues but the time shrinks so does our lives. There comes again the circumstances that turn all your Highness into mere worries and chaos. Again there's a dip in hope, peace and all that's reared, cared or highly valued in a civilised society. You're destined to be there, as it's a style to console your digged soul and body and many claim it as if they're your own manifold manifestations and articulations. Who's there as mighty and sincere and thorough knowledgeable to decide on their such subjective and bias opinions. Probably none. The victims claim time dilation, as if there days and nights are not following a due course of time. As if they're stuck somewhere, so does is there life. While striving to find a new shore, when they actualize, they internalise time now has a few final days of their journey.And then again few more moments and a few more days of ease and then again the same old story. But the time goes on and so does the life. Finally the journey meets its final end and now more stories of pain are narrated anymore,anywhere. 

Moral:Make your life as meaningful as you can.It's not going to stop for you or go as you always wish or aspire. Take a stand and work for that. 

Saturday, 24 December 2022

Patience strengthens man's powers

Sometimes the only choice left is that you've no choice other than to turn the no-choice into a perfect choice. This's where the real expertise and a strong passion to persist in the endurance works. You've survived in a game where only your patience and integrity can let you win. The manipulative narrations and tales with mere fabricated stories have already declared you as a victim and being lost in the fields.However, miraculously the pain to stay in the field was luckily rewarded. And the villain turned to be a tragic hero of the famous tale. 

Friday, 23 December 2022

Sociability Builds a Man of Conquests

A child grows and builds his self and the senses while growing and interacting in the various primary social circles. He's taking much from the outside. Attitude, emotions, perspectives, attires, interests, sociability and whatever he thinks or feels catchy. I've to let others mute and go only here for the socialisation. That's the traits that give you a competence and power to enjoy your surroundings and to manipulate it for your goodness. Never, take it as a second choice as it's one of the basic powers and skills of a functional human personality. If you're messing with it, you're definitely missing a great line of action and contentment in your life.
You deserve a good self image and a composed self esteem, when you're laced with the matured sociability skills and fortunately they evolve with the growing interactive experiences. You build your confidence and your company becomes the first selection of all, as you're always being celebrated and liked to be as talkative as you can go. Because they believe that you talk from the heart and you've enough nearness  and dearness for the people. You've great level of patience and highly supportive score in the temperance. You're destined to go high and you're always a man of smiles and happiness for the others. You can't handle alone all your worries but you've strived alot to make such a stuff more easier and bend towards a lighter mode. The softness in your tone and originality in your words has no parallel anywhere.It's not always as easier as imagined but you've decided and are pursuing a great cause. You're growing and conquering a land where positivity is cultured and smiles are harvested. 

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Mental Toughness, your style

You don't wish to see them,but you're engaged there, you don't want to stay but you manage all their affairs,boredom has hit you but your interest is elevating, they're rude but you're carrying a beautiful smile with you,working with them don't makes a sense, still you lead them.Now they met and felt anxieties and frustrations, not because they're pure chaotic or they've decided to be so, but because they can't digest your style and attitude. This's how you've developed yourself. And this's nothing but growth and maturation and a typical prototype of a personality who's enough potent to turn a mess into some productivity. They're the highest virtues of human civilisation, you've decided to adopt, adapt and transmute. And not because you've to go necessarily through that, only you've decided to care and bear the pain of their ignorance or immaturity. They're weak, but they don't make a sense of their non sense. Their exaggeration has wings and it's colourful and they continue to go with that freaky world. 
Stay in your typically build composure, nothing their exits to run parallel with you. Go with it, refine more and build a sensory structure that's dead hard to be breached or to be broken. 

Monday, 19 December 2022

Child's Survival Set of Skills.

You're gonna to mess up with your life if you don't posses a survival skill set in the contemporary times. A survivability skill set is a group of skills that give you an enough competence and knowledge to love and live life better, to communicate efficiently,to get cared or be loved by family and friends or colleagues,to earn and to protect himself or herself from the harms of the physical and the social environments. A theoretical pool of knowledge can't be made to run parallel to a survival skill set.What's more important for men and women is an encyclopedia of survival knowledge and set of survival skills. Because that creates a powerful entity that can put the mess in order or to better something that's meagre ordered or beautified.
It's not mandatory that your child's school is gonna to take it's responsibility. If you've  learned vigorously and have got a strong survival skill set, transfer it the following generations. One of the best things that experience can do miraculously is it saves your life( and can save the future lives), by saving your savings, time and other resources. Act yourself as a legend of legacies and make the life of your child more better and meaningful.
Sociability, emotional Stability, good physique maintenance, vocationalisation, better communication skills,calculated risk taking, continuous exercise and mediation,self help, team spirit,social services, industriousness, integrity, resourcefulness and the knowledge of modern computer sciences are some of the vital traits and skills you need to inculcate in your growing child. However, you should act wisely in inculcating such a pool of survival knowledge and set of survival skills as they vary from culture to culture and society to society. 
A child is build, based on the type of knowledge, skills and experience he or she's is provided. Build him or her strong and get him or her strong enough to lead the survival race. 

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Mortal beings and their style

Everything having material existence has a specified or a predetermined life and hence an end. It's a reality that a day is gonna to reach that you'll face your ultimate truth. And the truth that follows the same suit is every existence face the same fate. Never forget to believe that you're not an immortal being and your parallel entities too are gonna to meet the same reality. The process and the line is destined to act in the same pattern. Whether you're a believer of some supernatural power or with some agnostic beliefs or an individual of an absolute atheism. Nobody can counter this reality. If any, that's their insanity and pure insensitivity towards the life and life affairs. 
People with a vision and character in thought know what's important and what's not. They've a temporary attachment with the material surroundings. The work, they earn, they spend, they consume or they invest that much what's really required for them.
They've realised that they're here for a brief transitional period of affairs and soon after they'll move towards the  final eternity. They think, feel and therefore act accordingly as per their style of conviction processes. They've strong thought process and a typical style of thinking, that where are they and where they're going to land. They invest things wisely and always are striving towards the better final reality. They face the turbulences with patience, they sustain temperance and they act with pure intentions. They've always acted and judged the life affaires based on immortality principle. They're just, faithful and fearless. This's their style. 

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Growth Means humility

Claiming authority and maturation can't be a claim from a wise. Men and women grow continuously and so does the maturation and the experiences.We try, we try again and we sometimes fail and fail again. That's life.
People misconceptions Oftenly deceive them that they're an absolute authority in some specific domain and they unfortunately act with strong confidence based on those build misconceptions. They're rude because of the arrogance and due to the illusion of being complete and the most competent. They lack humility and are generally not near to the hearts.
Grow, grow again and grow more. Try and try again and growth gains naturally a momentum. Feel the need, accept the need and expect the following due change. Nothing is more dangerous than the misconception of being more knowledgeable and an authority of no parallels. This's ridiculous.
Being humble, generous, acceptable, tolerant, cooperative and least aggressive is one of the mature signs of being growing and internalising the growth values. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Poor a real conqueror

It's documented and lamented by the evidences that men and women aspire to grow and struggle to establish an empire. On the contemporary lines this too is realised that those who face the resistance have standardised the power and strength. Men of everything can't stand this prototype. They'll surrender. Now who's there in the middle of the battle field- only a poor. An underprivileged can survive in extremity, as they've never tasted the suited standards of acceptance and style.
Men and women in poverty develop adaptability and strength to conquer the unconquerable. They've nothing to loose. And they can make unimaginable things to get in shape or existence. When they've decided to face the resisting wind and take a staunch stand to go through it.
They're poor, but not weak. They're silent but not dumb. They're are passive but non reactive.They're wise but lazy. They're the conquerors who've been loost and deserve to be stimulated and ignited to make a real change, surrounding them. 

Monday, 12 December 2022

Positivity Builds Self

We build our own self and perspectives based on the views and understanding of the others surrounding us.Taking in and holding a perspective or an opinion regarding yourself that's in reality a mere illusion or based on falsity can build a self of full lies and abnormality. Because this irrelevant stuff might hurt you in the long run or impact your self negatively. You can't led your self fall as it's highly revered with in a healthy body. Not because it's something supernatural, but it's a source of your physical, mental and emotional strength.And therefore your source of work efficency in a society. Self is an evolving entity and its continuous engagement with the outside builds it's many structures and the style of performance. Genuine negativity can't harm you, but the negativity with an intention to sabotage your strengths, abilities, energies, or morality can weaken your self and it's efficency to perform efficiently. And finally builds such a personality with weak self and poor self related structures like self esteem.
Give a way to some positivity within you, so that you can heal your weak or wounded self. Make that with continuity so that you're now been least affected by the outside negativity. Because positivity develops powerful and healthy structures of your self. Hope, trust, love, care, persistence, dedication, truthfulness, honesty, industriousness,integrity, patience, cooperation and many other positive structures of the self are developed by allowing the continuity of the positive energies with in you. Open these beautiful channels, open a new horizon of perspective and present a model style and efficient performance. 

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Great Men, Get Lost

Men with extraordinary curiosity and dedication strive hard to creat or fix something unresolved. Oftenly their perspiration or the process of endurance goes unrewarded. Unfortunately some even face the social wrath of being inattentive or careless towards the norms of a community. Years pass and the newly established facts or theories uncover the real truth of lost legends and the legacy they've transfered. 
Alot have met their destinies and many are in the cue.Not because they're sick but because the mentality of rest men and women is unresponsive. When some others unwillingly dive again there, on being reviewing the past landmarks achieved( for the final approval) actualize and found engraved in the archives of the men and women of sick destinies, the breakthroughs are already preserved. Who's here right and who's the culprit. Infact, those who've by intention ignored or suppressed the super intelligent works of their times are far being called as humans. Not because they rejected a jewel but because they've willingly decided to kill him and his patented breakthroughs.Turned him as man of unrealised dreams and sick fate. 
A social setup, lacking recognition and well appreciation of exceptional works (on appropriate time) is a dangerous society to live. The dynamism of such societies is in toto corrupted and the future their is absolute bleak. As the great men and women belonging to them got lost due to the callous attitude of the rest living population. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Simplicity and Social Order

Most Men wish to stay simple and evolve simplicity as their style and way of life. But why their actions later reveal the opposite? While being intensively and extensively studied, the causal relationships show they're been moulded and bend by the established circumstances and falsely imposed standards of a society. Stiff resistance fades their colours of enthusiasm and high spirit to fight. If so, wounded deep, with scars open on their weak appearances.Because ,they dare to stay and act simple. They're the men with zero artificiality and no exaggeration in their intension, words and actions. They love to adopt and adapt in simplicity. This extraordinary response in these irresponsible circumstances is a miraculous style demanding to be lauded positively.It's a life with mere delusions and the thought processes are much cloudy, demanding a number of session of resolutions.
Men or women facing odd winds for such standards are real jewels and need to be safeguarded by proper appreciation and due regard. Otherwise, hypocrisy too has an evolution and power to kill a social structure. 

Monday, 5 December 2022

Close to nature.

What's revealed has absolute holiness and is by nature close to the heart.As you're always attracted towards it's purity and message.if accepted in toto you're been lightened extraordinarily with manifold inherited powers.The powers to overcome  Lethargic attitude, pessimistic outlook, hopelessness,agnostic beliefs, helplessness and consequently absolute chaos in life. However, they're not mere satanic forces but the impurities of the heart that're driving you away from the Fitra.Invest some time with the people who're close to holiness and are more lightened up by that endeavour.You'll find a control to your anarchism. 

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Beauty Lies within You.

Highly complex is the human nature and the behaviour shown by him at multitude of circumstances.Men and women are by default more thriving towards all that's more groomed and appealing outside.alas! All existing stuff fades so does the outer beauty and the looks. But whatever virtues you've ingrained within you, will last and will continue to sustain you till existence. 
Those who've been trapped by external get ups and colours find it most remorseful at the end, as they've never craved for the highest placed values of a society. As they were deceived by their fallen standards.
Highly complex is the human nature and the behaviour depicted at multitude of circumstances.Men and women are by default more thriving towards all that's more groomed and appealing outside.alas! All existing stuff fades so does the outer beauty and the looks. But whatever virtues you've ingrained within you, will last and will continue to sustain you till existence. 
Those who've been trapped by external get ups and colours find it most remorseful at the end, as they've never craved for the highest placed values of a society. As they were deceived by their fallen standards.
Absolute beauty lies within you.Getting an attire of being a gentleman or a noble lady or using a highly charming tone of language tactics can be highly deceptive, superficial, temporary and a designed manipulation . But what has been imbibed and ingrained within the soul will last and will recur and show your real persona wherever you go.
So develop within you, external is a bit important.

Power is power

Being powerful is one of the most privileged things you can own in the contemporary times. Power is anything that can improve your value or influence on the surroundings or to the rest of the world. Some attribute power to the knowledge, and claim knowledge is power. While as many and most of the people nowadays attribute power to the money. The assert money is the real power. The discourse is not about what's powerful or what's not or Why's something more powerful and rest least. The all lines can be summarised with a line if you're owning power, you're energetic as you can intervene in the surrounding circles of your influence. 
Teach your children all the those tactics and means of knowledge that can improve their survival on this planet earth. They deserve to know what actually the power is and how is it been driven to influence the weak or the surroundings. Let them be prepared how to face the power when they're weak and are growing everyday.

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Trust Deal

Men and women from all races belong to the same single species and more importantly we're all human beings. Respecting the lives of all matters as everyone belongs to the same earth, though we're divided due to the boundaries setup by the states or by the politicians. Caring for the rights of the others or treating everyone equally is only possible when you believe that all human beings are same and deserve the same equal rights and the opportunities.
To make this world a better place of living, it's important that there must be a better system of justice-that treats everyone equally.To make this a reality it's important that trust gaps between or among the communities or races are eradicated.alot of damage has already been done, so alot more is required to improve or heal that. This's firstly to be made by those who're running a various states on this earth. A top down approach should be adopted to create a better earth deal.
Inculcating trust values from the beginning among the children is also better intervention program in this regard. Don't teach hatredness to your child towards any community as it definitely impacts taught process of a child and infact affects his or her future decisions. Teach sympathy, love, care, forgiveness to the children and secure your peaceful future. 

Friday, 2 December 2022

Learn, learn more, learn again.

In beautifying your personality and making your life more better, it's important that you learn and work continuously. Learning will polish you and applying that will improve your level of expertise in any field. While using your expertise you'll get more opportunities of work and means of income. So never let your comfort zone hurt you so much that you're in toto wasted.
Be disciplined regarding your use of time. Disciplined use of time is the disciplined use of life. Every second lost, is an every second lost in life. So what're you wasting- time or life? Think again, it's possible you've never reflected on that.
It's never too late, start now, learn, learn more, learn again and then give your expertise a line of action. Work, work more, work again, don't sit in the total chaos.As laziness creates procrastination and that eventually evolves. 
Let you believe in it and believe in yourself and believe in making your life better and more meaningful. 

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Attires are deceptive

A well dressed  and well versed man or woman through his/her attire and behaviour appears to be a gentleman or lady with high values. This can be your false assumption unless you've not spend some time with him or her and understood him or her well. All that's shown or said isn't necessarily factual and based on sincere observations. So verify that also first, before you believe on that. Similar is the case of a man or woman whose appearance is as simple as you can imagine. You can't define him or her with a single glance or one conversation. To get him or her well you've to dwell in a lot. And understand things from All perspectives. Because human nature and behaviour is highly complex to understand. So before you've concluded on anything regarding human behavior, it's better to understand first the whole situation whole heartedly. Your pre-judgement can lead you in some trouble. Because alot many people surrounding you are appearing with appearances that are mere deceptive. And fortunately harming the straightforward and easy ones. It's to just build your social maturation and let you be prepared how to handle them. As they can prove to be highly manipulative. 

Reading to improve

society of hypocrites

"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...