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Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Hypocrisy acts on character

While working on the morality aspect of human nature and getting an understanding of it from the multidisciplinary perspectives. What was recorded or goes as an observation, that humans by nature are ingrained with enough laziness. A strong weakness that acts on their character, as they often fail to full fill their commitments or any set targets. They believe and act differently. They even preach what's not in their habits.A style of going with a regular one word - sorry.You've rightly processed the lines and recalled it as the definition of hypocrisy.An approach of acting for some temporary rewards or some incentives of power. 
Firm to their morality standards, followed by genuine intentions to pursue them in the real life can't be generalised in the contemporary times, as men and women of any socal status or role fail to prove it as a reality. Only because everyone wants to pursue something that's within his or her scale of reach. Nobody here has desired patience, care and temperance to act with all possible outcomes. Nothing should go against you and that's where the natural laws don't bless you as it goes against it's own set standards. To make it anyhow a reality, men and women got oftenly engaged in a variety of hypocritical behaviours and through the compounding of that very behaviour are declared as men or women of hypocrisy. Ironically they then try to justify hypocrisy which's otherwise unjustifiable. And that's a false use of psychological defense mechanisms. And a wrong move to protect your ego from further disintegration. That's where it's called to be wired in your nature or developed in the personality. 
Work on your behaviour and personality and let you overcome the laziness(to act on your words and beliefs).Otherwise you've created a realm of hypocrisy and kingdom of falsehood. Wakeup, be patient, commit only what only is in your reach, nod with no if you can't handle, face the fear of being incomplete or growing up, stand on your principles and avoid being in an association of hypocrites. 

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