Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Attires are deceptive

A well dressed  and well versed man or woman through his/her attire and behaviour appears to be a gentleman or lady with high values. This can be your false assumption unless you've not spend some time with him or her and understood him or her well. All that's shown or said isn't necessarily factual and based on sincere observations. So verify that also first, before you believe on that. Similar is the case of a man or woman whose appearance is as simple as you can imagine. You can't define him or her with a single glance or one conversation. To get him or her well you've to dwell in a lot. And understand things from All perspectives. Because human nature and behaviour is highly complex to understand. So before you've concluded on anything regarding human behavior, it's better to understand first the whole situation whole heartedly. Your pre-judgement can lead you in some trouble. Because alot many people surrounding you are appearing with appearances that are mere deceptive. And fortunately harming the straightforward and easy ones. It's to just build your social maturation and let you be prepared how to handle them. As they can prove to be highly manipulative. 

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