Internet and the network supported social networking platforms and structures are nowadays the prime time consumers of human beings. No one is spared, from a newborn, a year old infant to a 70 years aged grand pa. The innocence of the childhood and the wisdom of the aged was a real treasure that a society should have in possession. That legacy and experiential heritage should've got transfered. Unfortunately,they've been realised as some miracle. Not because it's has disappeared but we're being wired not to think, feel and act like that anyways. This's not astonishing but the records go to support it. Hours in a day are being spend and lost on surfing and scrolling the undesired content on these ultra evolving modern gadgets. And this's not the end, the visuals, sound tracks and their impact on the thought processes continue hours after we're being engaged somewhere in the discussions or being left to think alone or placed in the dream stages of the sleep cycles. They're Incharge of our thoughts and off course controlling the body mechanisms. An insight needs to be generated and disclosed before the targeted populations so that necessary intervention are built.The AI is rapidly evolving and impacting with greater strength on our growth and development.
As if this's a typical social engineering aided by the advanced AI and technological tools.They're rewiring the styles and the patterns of human thought processes strongly through their smart interfaces. And are more happy, powerful and enthusiastic to advance it to the next level.Whether an experiment goes wrong or if they've to sell their products or the services. Through the powerful attention psychology and typical algorithmic patterns we're being programmed to think and act accordingly how their business evolves and consume their contents without limits. They're in control of our lives and the life affairs.And they've been so successful in creating a need and a market, that you should possess a smart cell phone or some ultra modern screen gadgets, backed by regular network packages. A generation is being structured that's passively consuming their contents and services.How far it has got the conscious or the subconscious support is a more typical line of human research. Whatsoever that's, we're at the receiving end. And it's what's to be called as addictive consumerism.
The content created and spreaded is generally more rubbish than productive. However it's more appealing and devoid of general productivity but the time shrinks with the resources. Believe me they've dived in the human psychic and reported to the bosses that how to get and retain the span of attention. And get the behavior reinforced and turn it into the mere dangerous addictive consumerism.They've realised what's to be called a miraculously build structures.
The utility can't be denied but the concerns need to be addressed with sincerity. An empire of power always strives to expand the kingdom without the consequences. However, those in control should give it a look that how's this manipulative Algorithm and evolving AI impacting human lives and the human relationships. Isn't it a way of ceasing human creativity and acting adversely on human natural development. These reflections deserve some sincere ears and actions demand to be genuine and summarised inferences need to be verified with more objectivity. If that's not now heard, future is expected to be more bleak.
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