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Thursday, 16 February 2023

Better Childhood, Guarantees future survival!

Based on the nature and naturalness in nourishing and nursing and due to the continuous myriad of social interactions and initial dependencies on primary care takers, a child's mental structure and the behavioural style grows and develops. The parenting style or nursing approach applied in child rearing and the unique pattern delivered to produce productive social services in him or her has remarkable future impacts on his or her life and personality development. Whether there's a sense of consciousness or you've acted there accidentally, they're imbibed deep in child's memories. A treasure that either glows or fires within him or her. Your approach towards your child is similar to the style an architect or an engineer adopts to design a desired structure with a variety of facilities. The more concerned and a close attachment a care takers has with a child, the more favourable it acts and impacts on a child's accommodating schemas and his or her phenotypic characteristics. And of course his or her vista of this world and world affairs are determined mostly by these initial years of life. Everything is being counted and will be reflected in the near future in a child. You're building not only typical style but also a typical human being with novelty in interests, thinking patterns, feelings and uniqueness to act in the mise-en-scene.Your warmness and high acceptance in the early years of life can be realised through the habitual behaviours in the later years of a child's life. Childhood deserves a more holistic attendance, maintenence in warmness and acceptance of child's needs and interests from the care takers. And this's all processed and turned to be in a productive form like a strong mindset, character, effective communication, social efficiency, emotional stability, problem solving attitude, balanced personality, desired aesthetics and social adaptability. 
A strong correlational study can be designed in between the warmness and the child's self esteem in the elementary years. Not being so conclusive, still it can be assumed to be on a positive side and is expected strictly a strong correlational study with more the plus 0.7 as it's correlational coefficient. This's not because of a belief system or due to some existing cultural paradigm. But a series of breakthroughs are there to support this and act as recorded reliable evidences. 
The elementary years are the foundational years of a child's personality and his or her growth and development. A greater stability in the character, mindset, emotions, sociability smartness, problem solving, attitude, gratitude, personality, intelligence, interests, and communication can be achieved through the proper training and nursing in these earlier years of a child.This's where both a family and a school should take the responsibility with sincerity. It's a collective enterprise. A cordial atmosphere both at the school and at home is a fundamental right of a child. Not because of the legality of the issue but this's a what's impacting a child with great intensity and is supported by the psychological wisdom.All that has been put in these lines is" Your grooming is either building or harming your child". So act with utmost care. And if you've delivered something important and constructive to a society, it's through the proper schooling and nursing of your child. Because you've given a social entity to a society that's there for the mere betterment and for further genuine productivity. 
Take the second case where you were inattentive, unwelcoming, unacceptable, least affectionate and warming, dishonest towards your child's needs and interests, either at your school or in the family. Alas! you've let your child grow wildly with every possible outside impact.You're not now the master of his or her personality. There's a due gap you've placed within his or her structures of inner and outer space. The structures of physique, mind, emotionality, sociability, aesthetics, intelligence, personality, character and of course adaptability. You've to expect positivity, only how far, you've imparted successfully in him or her. Empirically the outcomes realised finally there are in the form of assemblage of mal-adjustments,learning gaps, Anti-social behaviors,aggression or timidness, character crisis, emotional instability, out of control life affairs, poor social adjustment and delinquency. That impact of carelessness can be more wide and everlasting. 
Like a child centred school, child centred family is pivotal for a child's standard grooming and shaping of his or her balanced personality. Oftenly family men and women forget their importance and impact in the life of a child. They've to understand their roles and put their all efforts to give meaning to that what they've reproduced in the past.
Mass awareness at all levels need to gain momentum regarding these understandings and perspectives. So that a sense prevails that a better child is a guarantee of a productive society. And that stands as a strong move towards an evolving civilisation.Caretakers, parents, teachers and all stakeholders do have to act with their part with all sincerity and dedication. Otherwise, a generation or a civilisation with multiple gaps is being prepared. A civilisation with multiple flaws and prone to be extinguished or being ruined by the dominant. 

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