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Thursday, 8 December 2022

Great Men, Get Lost

Men with extraordinary curiosity and dedication strive hard to creat or fix something unresolved. Oftenly their perspiration or the process of endurance goes unrewarded. Unfortunately some even face the social wrath of being inattentive or careless towards the norms of a community. Years pass and the newly established facts or theories uncover the real truth of lost legends and the legacy they've transfered. 
Alot have met their destinies and many are in the cue.Not because they're sick but because the mentality of rest men and women is unresponsive. When some others unwillingly dive again there, on being reviewing the past landmarks achieved( for the final approval) actualize and found engraved in the archives of the men and women of sick destinies, the breakthroughs are already preserved. Who's here right and who's the culprit. Infact, those who've by intention ignored or suppressed the super intelligent works of their times are far being called as humans. Not because they rejected a jewel but because they've willingly decided to kill him and his patented breakthroughs.Turned him as man of unrealised dreams and sick fate. 
A social setup, lacking recognition and well appreciation of exceptional works (on appropriate time) is a dangerous society to live. The dynamism of such societies is in toto corrupted and the future their is absolute bleak. As the great men and women belonging to them got lost due to the callous attitude of the rest living population. 

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