Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Poor a real conqueror

It's documented and lamented by the evidences that men and women aspire to grow and struggle to establish an empire. On the contemporary lines this too is realised that those who face the resistance have standardised the power and strength. Men of everything can't stand this prototype. They'll surrender. Now who's there in the middle of the battle field- only a poor. An underprivileged can survive in extremity, as they've never tasted the suited standards of acceptance and style.
Men and women in poverty develop adaptability and strength to conquer the unconquerable. They've nothing to loose. And they can make unimaginable things to get in shape or existence. When they've decided to face the resisting wind and take a staunch stand to go through it.
They're poor, but not weak. They're silent but not dumb. They're are passive but non reactive.They're wise but lazy. They're the conquerors who've been loost and deserve to be stimulated and ignited to make a real change, surrounding them. 

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