Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Power is power

Being powerful is one of the most privileged things you can own in the contemporary times. Power is anything that can improve your value or influence on the surroundings or to the rest of the world. Some attribute power to the knowledge, and claim knowledge is power. While as many and most of the people nowadays attribute power to the money. The assert money is the real power. The discourse is not about what's powerful or what's not or Why's something more powerful and rest least. The all lines can be summarised with a line if you're owning power, you're energetic as you can intervene in the surrounding circles of your influence. 
Teach your children all the those tactics and means of knowledge that can improve their survival on this planet earth. They deserve to know what actually the power is and how is it been driven to influence the weak or the surroundings. Let them be prepared how to face the power when they're weak and are growing everyday.

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