Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Monday, 30 October 2023

Take care of your sensitivity

Life's hard for a man with extra sensitivity and sensibility. And because that's not been recognized and appreciated.  

Saturday, 28 October 2023

انسان احساسات کا ایک مجسمہ ہیں، جو ہر بار جذبات کاشکار ہو جاتا ہے.
کسی انسان کا یہ دعویٰ نہیں کہ اُس نے اپنے جزبات قابو کر لیں ہیں.
 اور پھر خود وہ انسان ایک  کہانی بنکر رہ گیا، جو یہ کہتا تھا کہ میں دنیا سمجھ رکھتا ہوں
And finally he has been recognized for, to bear what's unbearable .

Friday, 27 October 2023

کچھ نعتیہ اشعار

جب نام آتا ہے اس زمانے کا
با برکت نام آپ کا آجاتا ہے
پھر سے سمبل کر پھر ایک بار 
جینے کا سہارا مل جاتا ہے
دیکھا نہیں تھا ان آنکھوں نے 
کہ کیسے بہار آجاتا ہے. 

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

کچھ دوست بھی بنا لینا،

کچھ دوست بھی بنا لینا، ہر وقت محبت ساتھ نہیں دیتی ہے

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Diversity exists in everyone's life

میں نایاب الجھنوں کی مکمل کتاب ہوں
مجھے میرے سوا کوئی نہیں جانتا

Only the author knows the true meaning of his words. Rest are trying to catch up where these words need to stand. The letters and words are organized and placed as per the expectancy principle and how you've experienced your past. And it's full of subjectivity as the diversity exists in the everyone's life. 

Monday, 16 October 2023

Perfectionism is a stubborn journey of reconstruction

In a world filled with the pursuit of perfection, it's essential to debunk the myth of flawlessness and the danger of imposing unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others. The notion that one cannot make a mistake is a false claim, unsupported by evidence and often steeped in sarcasm, as it stands on glorified lies. This approach is often used to defend one's ego, knowingly or unknowingly causing harm to others.
What's even more concerning is when this style is wielded with authority, imposing an unattainable level of rationality on individuals. Such an imposition only fuels resentment and frustration, as it fails to acknowledge the inherent imperfections that make us human.
Perfectionism is, at its core, a myth. The path to becoming a person of expectations is a stubborn process that demands a continuous reconstruction of our experiences and responses, guided by wisdom and acquired skills. Along this journey, rejections and objections are inevitable. However, the ultimate power lies in our ability to order the chaos of our lives.
To be a truly wise and impactful individual, one must embrace the reality of making mistakes and the invaluable lessons they offer. It's through these experiences that we learn, grow, and ultimately become better versions of ourselves. The journey to personal growth is not linear but is characterized by its twists, turns, and occasional stumbles.
In a world where perfectionism is often celebrated, it's essential to remember that it is in our imperfections and our capacity to learn from them that we find true strength and wisdom. We should resist the allure of perfection and instead focus on the pursuit of personal growth, for therein lies the power to order the chaos and become the best versions of ourselves.

Flaws at the end give power to order the chaos

I'm flawless or cannot make a mistake is a false claim,undocumented and unproven.That's mere sarcasm, standing on glorified lies.An approach to defend your staggering ego.With this style intentionally or unintentionally you're hurting others. And with authority,it's imposed on men with enough rationality,that's more disgusting.Thus creating more resentment. 
Perfectionism is a myth. To be a man of expectations is a stubborn process where everyday you've to reconstruct your experiences and respond with enough wisdom and learned skills. It's possible you've many rejections and objections but at the end only you own the real power to order the chaos. 

Thursday, 12 October 2023

طاقتور بنو

عجیب دور آیا ہے سچ کو سچ اور جھوٹ کو جھوٹ نہیں کہہ سکتے ہیں 
شاید تمارا تجربہ نہیں، حقیقت یہی ہے کہ سچ کی ایک قیمت ہوتی ہے اور طاقتور وہ قیمت ادا کرلیتا ہے، اور دنیا کے سامنے اسکے بدلے جھوٹ پیش کرتا ہے،اور نا سمجھ انسان اُس پہ بھروسہ کر لیتے ہیں. اگر سب انسان برابر ہے تو ناانصافی پوری دنیا میں کیوں ہے. زرہ غور کیجئے تو پائے گا کہ نا انصافی غریب اور کمزور کے ساتھ ہوتی ہیں. اگر زندہ رہنا ہے تو طاقتور بنو اور اپنے حق کے لیے لڈو. ہم نےتاریخ کی کتابوں سے اور تجربے سے یہی بات پائ ہیں

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

It's the destiny that determines life and life affairs

They proclaim a man is a product of nature and nurture.And of course they're determing factors of human personality. And they've never placed destiny in that equation. Life and life affairs can to a greater extent improved by improving human genome and the nursing environment. And believe me that all is being placed, organised, improved, polished or evolved within a strongly governed supernatural system. That's what we call as fate or destiny. 

Give, what generates results

ہمیں جو پڑھایا گیا
وہ ہم نے دیکھا نہیں، اور جو ہم نے دیکھا, وہ ہم نےکہی
پڑھا نہیں
To be more accurate, stable, alive and influencing in life, it's a prerequisite to drop the first two letters in the Irrelevance. Unless everything presented is not correlated within some meaningful stuff , it's just a wastage.And that's inversely related with the productivity. And wastage of time, is  more likely the most impacting loss. An irreparable damage,with no rehabilitation or compensation. So give, that generates results and is life centred,

Monday, 9 October 2023

Aggressive a supportive mechanism

Either it's a protective mechanism to cover up your insecurities or it's a supportive mechanism that let's you act so, as your personal boundaries are being breached.That's your anger. Believe me both verbal and non verbal behaviour is impactful. It's important to train yourself to act wisely as being provocative, hurtful and threatening is nowadays a common man's attitude. It's possibly a cover up style to hide their lows.

I'm gaining new insights to reconstruct my attitude lying on decency and ethics. By thinking, aggression is a missing part my life education. Just work on your check points. It's a chaotic force that deserves a master. 

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Social observations

It's vital for existence as you're being challenged or resisted to take off smoothly. They're there to creat chaos, to shatter your morale and fortunately you've invested strategically how to manipulate and control their shit.
I've realised that to act soberly with all intricate deceny is not always a viable option to dialogue.Other means need to be implied.
This's an observation that men have multiple intentions in their words. Act cautiously. 

a man in war is a man with most strengths

.....زندگی ایسے گزری صاحب
مضبوطی اب گھر کر
 چکی ہے
A man in war is a man with most strengths. 

سنبھال لیا ہے خود کو

ہم بھی کمال کرتے ہیں،
جو ابھی بہت برداشت کرتے ہیں
تم کو شاید ابھی خبر نہیں
جو ابھی ہم خود کو سنبھال لیتے ہیں

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

صحت ایک عظیم نعمت ہے

صحت ایک عظیم نعمت ہے مگر ہم نے یہ پایا کہ کوئی ایسا اسکول نہیں ہے جہاں یہ سیکھا جاتا ہو کہ صحتمند رہنے کے لیے کیا کیا جائے. دولت, شہرت، سب کچھ سے بہترسےاگر کچھ ہے تو وہ ہے صحت. اس صحت کی قدر کرنا سیکھو. 

Opinion in the School newsletter - The Expression

Reading to improve

society of hypocrites

"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...