Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Consistency Pays off.

Staying consistent in your endeavours produces remarkable results around you. Consistency generates momentum in the line of action. To excel in any line of action, dynamism is pivotal. Unless you're not going closer to your goal everyday, you're losing the chances of being the earlier winners. Because there's a line of competitors surrounding or following you. If you'll miss the wining shot you'll hardly stay in the list. Till persistency is not inhabiting you, you're messing with yourself.
Taking an initiative or starting any line of action is a positive move(after setting a goal). However, it's gonna be a complete wreck if consistency is missing from your part. If at any stage, you've decided to gave up, everything you've craved for will be lost and all your struggle will go in toto vain. 

Saturday, 26 November 2022

افکار علوی)

مجھ کو اک رنگ عطا کرتا کہ پہچان رہے... 
کل کلاں یہ نہ ہو تجھ کو میرا چہرہ نہ ملے. 
لوگ کہتے ہیں کہ ہم لوگ برے آدمی ہیں...
لوگ بھی ایسے جنہوں نے ہمیں دیکھا نہ ملے.
Brush me with some visible stain, an attire you're really well known. 
I'm famous to be notorious
in the circles of the unknown.
افکار علوی!!! 

Friday, 25 November 2022

Wisdom from Wise

Making a wise decision is a worthwhile endeavour and can reveal treasures of life. But to be so wise, being knowledgeable and experienced is a prerequisite. If that's not the case then seek help from the people with wisdom.
One of the greatest tragedies of the era is the trust deficit among the masses. It's being popularised that nobody is trust-worthy and all act as per their own maturation and the experiences. Everybody is a master and listening is turning to be a flaw and a sign of the weak. Thus the loss of the accumulated wisdom and the knowledge of the centuries. 
People with wisdom and guidance have many responsibilities and being considerate is the primary one. They should show more sympathy, tolerance, humbleness, dedication, and love towards the knowledge seekers. The men and women seeking willingly their ignorance being minimized deserve much greater attention and care than the rest. They're the real ambassadors of social change and social development. They're the real peace makers and future peace keepers. Build them complete, build them strong. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Forgive And Forget

Deep seeded flaws have made my surroundings more chaotic and wounded and scared many. Realisation has knocked in and the lines of wisdom have jolted vigorously, to apologise unconditionally to all with request to forgive and forget the man of circumstances.And share some vibes of kindness.
Perspectives and behaviours modify as time lapses. The knowledge and experiences of certain ages turn to be ignorance and illusions on maturation. It's late and can go unnoticed but the writer is sincere of his words and commitment. 

Monday, 21 November 2022

Time's Powerful

Time's powerful. If it's used wisely you can make miracles and can become the most powerful or productive man or woman on earth. But if you've failed to use it wisely, it'll hit you hard.
It's powerful as it don't waits for none. No one dares to hold it or can on this planet. Whether you've decided to move on or not, the time alloted to you is running fast and it's emotion less. It doesn't care about your circumstances, health, mood, weather or any urgency that arises. There's no one on this planet sharing the same qualities.
Time comes and goes without making or cracking any noise. It's a passive powerful force to men and women who know how to be prepared for it's use. And it's an active destructive force, who've never reflected that it's wastage is mere destruction and failure in the life.

Sunday, 20 November 2022


One of the greatest means of achieving some excellence is being continuous learner of some expert who has enough expertise in his field. A mentor inspires, guides and boosts your morale. A mentor clears defines your goal, let's you introspect and reflect on, that what you should do and when you should start and stop.Your mentor can be your father, mother, brother or a teacher.
If you've found a mentor and he's being enough skilful and wise, don't take his instructions so lightly. Trust him,mould yourself and build on.
Schools can play a pivotal role in the child's mentorship. They should take it as responsibility. If a nation has good Mentors it's  damn sure resources are being channelized more efficiently.
Stop being so lazy, try to get a mentor of any field you need or deserve excellency. You'll feel better and successful day by day. 

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Knowledge Lightens! (Poetry by Sheikh Mohammad Ibrahim Zauq)

Focus And Focus More

To succeed in an any endeavour in your life, it's vital to be more focused on every project assigned. The more you're focused the more you'll achieve. Focusing means improvement in the efficiency and adaptability. Focusing actually is to direct your all energies on the goal achievement.A teacher, a student, a warrior, a businessman, a scientist, a writer, a sportsman, a pilot or a common man can't achieve his excellence(in any venture) unless he's not disciplined in the manners of focusing. That's, more you're focused, more you'll perform or achieve. The viable solution to improve the focusing is to made decline in the distractions surrounding you. That's you've to be disciplined or trained in being more and accurately focused.
Contemporary times are full of distress and distractions. Especially due to the enough interference of Internet and the electronic gadgets in the human life. Hours are spend on the Internet or social networking sites without being exploiting anything productive there. This's quit disturbing and alarming, because you're being conditioned to be curious and interested in something that you don't require or deserve. But due to their business tactics they've succeeded and you're now their lovely prey. A prey they don't want to be killed (unlike the other predators) but they try to engage you more and more and sit and use their platform more and more. Finally, you end up but end up with full of distractions and addiction and with the loss of your pure focus. It's possible many other things can decline your focusing. But it's a fact that these Internet based platforms have hit harder.
Try to spend some time without these network supported gadgets, read a book, play some sports or game, exercise, join a gym, take a walk, meet new people, Meditate, enjoy some time with your family, visit some friends or relatives, go for farming or gardening or do something that's pure natural,so that you'll feel more closed to the nature and more closed to yourself. And you'll improve day by day. Focusing also means to be more closed to yourself. And more you're closed to yourself, more you productive and efficient.

Friday, 18 November 2022

Fly Light, Fly High

Be educated in ur duties and responsibilities. According nod to every stuff deserving or not willingly and taking a no side can lead you in the character crisis and eventually the personalty split. And that's mere unprofessionalism in an any enterprise. 
Everything said or circulated don't deserves an attention. Similarly, u can't be made to take every responsibility or you should promise. Create a domain and nurse there. This's not bcz u can't be remarkable but bcz u've realised that it's not been acknowledged in the end.
Fly light ! Fly High ! 

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Strength Lies Within You

The ultimate source of strength lies within an individual. If he decides to go strong he'll realise his utmost strength. But if he has nothing to fight and has surrendered he's gonna to face the worst of his life.
Since the outside is not always congenial or surely going to be on your side you've to think of yourself that it's gonna to affect the ways of your thinking, feeling and the behaviour. It's possible you'll be a man of circumstances when you've surrendered and not taken care of your inner man. Those who've their inner in much control they're least affected by the surrounding circumstances. And they think positively, feel good, enjoy the life and behave in a more controllable style outside.
People who've let the outside world to control them can be found struggling with their unstable thoughts, irregular and uncertain emotions and least self improving behaviours.
Let the outside affairs bother you least, and let you grow inside more and more. To realise this feat educate and train yourself more and more. Be a man who's enough strong to take decisions for himself and stand for them.
Internet along with its allied forces is nowadays one of the most powerful tools affecting our thinking processes, decision making, feelings and even the ways of acting. Unless a man is not trained and has not enough self-control, it's hard to find him not being reacting or being not influenced by these forces.So build inside, and let the outside things and forces affect you the least. Everything existing or being prepared outside can't be for you and for your growth. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Nyame Saeb(A Pious poet)

Secrets should be revealed to the most compassionate
why reveal it to the impassive
O'keeper of my secrets
my guide, my prophet
In your love, I've lost my days and night
While crossing the river I'm stranded, in the middle, I'm struggling
Lead me to the shore
O'my guide, my prophet

Nyame saeb

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

fools befool fools

Men greet each other for their deceptive tactics and following progressive outcomes of the their deception. They claim to be the smartest creations by manipulating the affairs of the innocent men and women surrounding them.They enjoy and impose authority. They call the original and the natural as fools, as they've breached their trust and don't fear for any subsequent consequences. As they've never ponder upon the life which's still in way and not realised by them. However, they should fear the day when justice will prevail and they'll face the wrath of the most powerful and hell fire of extremity.
Persistence, temperance, calmness, truthfulness, sincerity, knowledge, creativity, integrity, industriousness, resourcefulness, innovations and the list is more wide. All i want to assert strongly is to inculcate such virtues in your personalty. Material belongings end but they'll last far greater than as expected.
Give yourself a chance to be an original you and that's the decision you've made. You'll feel more comfortable and confident with your real-self than as faked. Failure in originality is painful but that's temporary. Those who'll stay will stay forever. 

Monday, 14 November 2022

Rewiring mind through book reading

The West is far high in technology than the Asians. There advancement in science and technology has no parallel in this part of the world. And Astonishingly their book reading culture too has no one here to compete. They're more close to the various class and genre of books than here. Here it's like dream come true if u find someone who has read a singl book in a year. Miraculously men and women on this special earth are bestowed with knowledge and wisdom and they've tried to reveal that to the following. Isn't it remarkable, that a man endures for 25 years and writes a book-Fath-ul-Bari.And unfortunately here men nowadays are being trapped & deceived by the meta world & R claiming authority. Alas! Tamed by the Dopamine and fall addicted to the gadgets and the network based showoff.
The master of that treatise(as mentioned above) was Hajar-Al-Asqalani-the legend. It's better to return to the old legacy of being a passionate book reader,instead of being addicted to the social networking sites or the online network based games.
Give your child a book to read instead a phone to watch, where he/she has access to everyone and everything. It's nothing, but leading towards the future crises and the chaos in the set and evolved social structure and functioning. Build him, but build him/her wisely. 

Ideas of composure

Women as source of inspiration

A mother, a daughter or a wife is a real source of motivation and inspiration for all men of all ages, whether that's a son, a father or a husband. Women are the most powerful creations on this earth. As if they decide to build a man, he can conquer the whole world and if they decide to mistreat, misguide or hurt a man they will let him down the hell.
Women should be respected and provided a due care by their men.This again depends on women how they have trained or nurtured them. However, women should not forget that their words are highly powerful for the men and they can either make them or shatter them into pieces. If she's mother, she should nourish and nurse his son beautifully and if she's wife she should take good care of his husband and make her home as good as she can, though it's a joint enterprise. But preparing men of future is more dependent on women. Society nowadays is full of men with many personality, mental, social, personal and emotional problems. Believe me they're in one way or the other mistreated, hurt,or misguided by the women either within their families or the outside. So women should understand their importance in the life of men and should act with wisdom and care as they're living or nursing men of future 🔮. Future should be secured if men are build strong. 

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Winners mindset

You've to train yourself to stay in the worst and stand alone to face the bad wind. Overcome laziness, be focused, implement what you've learnt from the expertise of the wise men, stay with wining mind set in the ground, show patience, improve whenever and wherever required, hit the shot when you get the favourite pace and line, grow a mindset of moving slowly if it was difficult to jump high but don't make a foolish move that's gonna be a great mishap and loss of the endurance of years. Learn from the mistakes, stay confident and have good control of your excitement or frustrations while you're acting. Give your best. I hope you'll win. Believe me! 

Polish Your Personality

After all, all surrounding influence is because of your weak or strong personality. Whether you're impacting positively or negatively in the social circles, your standing personalty has a alot to make some noise for the same. You've a family or you're being schooled somewhere formally all that has influenced and in fact impacted your growing personality.Personality is not just your external manifestations it includes your style of thinking, style of feeling and the style of acting in the different situations.
It's not guaranteed that you've got enough good from the family or the school so that you can claim that you've realised a strong personality. There's always a need to improve. Improve your world knowledge, acquire some skills of dare need, get some emotional stability, spend time with some quality people, avoid people who're always spitting negativity around you, overcome laziness, try and retry but show required persistence, be ready to face the critics, love yourself, make good friends, stay positive, exercise, build a hobby or some passion and work for that, walk, travel, avoid or stop intoxicating yourself anyhow, meet new people and new cultures, sit in the study circles, invest and at last take a good care of yourself and try to be in a good mood. 

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Pain as a source of momentum

People who've tried to build resistance against you will regret, when they'll come to know that it's their misadventure that has hurt you and led you transform yourself. Don't worry the greatest ever quality you ever can imbibe is the "strength" and belive me only pain can inculcate that in you. Don't worry if people are hurting you creating false narratives in the circles. Turn your pain into some virtuous strength-the strength that benefits in the long run. If it's a necessity to work with such people, who're just noisy, arrogant, bend, just try to use their absolute nonsense as your obsolete paradigm and surprise them when they'll notice that you have turned their scrap into some utility. Let your pain sustain and give you some energy and momentum to improve. 

unplanned Expenditure

Unplanned Expenditure and expenses cost a lot in life. So never go with the fashion or what's trending if you've to improve your financial empire. Buy assets not the liabilities as much as possible. As assets generate income and liabilities consume income. Just like there's a need of health hygiene there's a need of monetary hygiene(new coinage),that's the style of how to earn and spend money wisely and efficiently. Nowadays the use of attention psychologists in the advertisement market are conditioning general public to go buying more and more stuff and unfortunately we don't realise the game on time. So it's important to make a programme to teach our students or general public that everything presented by the media is not worth notice and they should be given a chance to improve their financial attitude. So for more control and wise financial expenditure, study, consult and plan ahead. 

Friday, 11 November 2022

Emotional Stability

It's hard to survive, unless and until you don't have a control on your emotions. Do everything, that you can heal your emotional wounds. It's never late, you can do it. And you've every right to live with every happiness and satisfaction. Try it everyday, stay calm, engage yourself in some productivity activities,help some needy, read, write, paint, sketch or spend some time with some men of wisdom. I'm damn sure you'll improve and live a more meaningful life. 

Life Hacks

Try to be positive and try to act positively in the life affairs. It's possible that more often you're being stuck by the bad times but let that be your learning journey and the outcome be an excellent experience. Take life saving lessons from that and try to solve the problems of the surroundings or those who're desperate for their solutions. Give yourself a second chance to improve or to change. We make mistakes and oftenly we repeat them and i know we regret and feel guilt. But don't you know "we're just human beings" and it's possible that we can go on repeatedly making more mistakes.And it happens. But let it be clear we should strive for the excellence, for the betterment and belive me perfectionism is a myth. Commitment and sincerity is important to make a change, go for it. So make your everyday a beautiful day by taking a positive side of a situation and minimising the surrounding negativity. Believe me you can improve the quality of your life, if you think, feel and act positively in the life and life affairs. 

Decision Making

All our current life and circumstances are due to the past decisions we've made and have craved for. Don't mess up with your life by making random choices. Adopt a systematic approach of making decisions.Read, read and read more and do consult the experts while making any life changing decisions. Only life is good if it's planned well. 

Reading to improve

society of hypocrites

"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...