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Saturday, 12 November 2022

unplanned Expenditure

Unplanned Expenditure and expenses cost a lot in life. So never go with the fashion or what's trending if you've to improve your financial empire. Buy assets not the liabilities as much as possible. As assets generate income and liabilities consume income. Just like there's a need of health hygiene there's a need of monetary hygiene(new coinage),that's the style of how to earn and spend money wisely and efficiently. Nowadays the use of attention psychologists in the advertisement market are conditioning general public to go buying more and more stuff and unfortunately we don't realise the game on time. So it's important to make a programme to teach our students or general public that everything presented by the media is not worth notice and they should be given a chance to improve their financial attitude. So for more control and wise financial expenditure, study, consult and plan ahead. 

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