Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Sunday, 20 November 2022


One of the greatest means of achieving some excellence is being continuous learner of some expert who has enough expertise in his field. A mentor inspires, guides and boosts your morale. A mentor clears defines your goal, let's you introspect and reflect on, that what you should do and when you should start and stop.Your mentor can be your father, mother, brother or a teacher.
If you've found a mentor and he's being enough skilful and wise, don't take his instructions so lightly. Trust him,mould yourself and build on.
Schools can play a pivotal role in the child's mentorship. They should take it as responsibility. If a nation has good Mentors it's  damn sure resources are being channelized more efficiently.
Stop being so lazy, try to get a mentor of any field you need or deserve excellency. You'll feel better and successful day by day. 

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