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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Focus And Focus More

To succeed in an any endeavour in your life, it's vital to be more focused on every project assigned. The more you're focused the more you'll achieve. Focusing means improvement in the efficiency and adaptability. Focusing actually is to direct your all energies on the goal achievement.A teacher, a student, a warrior, a businessman, a scientist, a writer, a sportsman, a pilot or a common man can't achieve his excellence(in any venture) unless he's not disciplined in the manners of focusing. That's, more you're focused, more you'll perform or achieve. The viable solution to improve the focusing is to made decline in the distractions surrounding you. That's you've to be disciplined or trained in being more and accurately focused.
Contemporary times are full of distress and distractions. Especially due to the enough interference of Internet and the electronic gadgets in the human life. Hours are spend on the Internet or social networking sites without being exploiting anything productive there. This's quit disturbing and alarming, because you're being conditioned to be curious and interested in something that you don't require or deserve. But due to their business tactics they've succeeded and you're now their lovely prey. A prey they don't want to be killed (unlike the other predators) but they try to engage you more and more and sit and use their platform more and more. Finally, you end up but end up with full of distractions and addiction and with the loss of your pure focus. It's possible many other things can decline your focusing. But it's a fact that these Internet based platforms have hit harder.
Try to spend some time without these network supported gadgets, read a book, play some sports or game, exercise, join a gym, take a walk, meet new people, Meditate, enjoy some time with your family, visit some friends or relatives, go for farming or gardening or do something that's pure natural,so that you'll feel more closed to the nature and more closed to yourself. And you'll improve day by day. Focusing also means to be more closed to yourself. And more you're closed to yourself, more you productive and efficient.

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