.ہم سے زیادہ ہماری ہماری عزت کس سے نہ ہوسکی.
Friday, 29 September 2023
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Teachers sell unpromising promises
We teach for a job and they grow as job seekers. They're trained to memorize and they're doing it well. This's how dreams are sold in schools and a future of job seekers is being made readily available. They need paid workers and they're available.Not surprisingly the carrying capacity has ended up but market of seekers is day by day blooming. Who's responsible? a teacher, the curriculum, the market or the men in power.
Everyone has a part in it. But to me it's a teacher that's selling dreams, is the most determining factor in the equation.He's Selling promises that can't be fulfilled. So teach what's really applicable or is promising. Give an array of ideas that can act as backup plan for a growing child at an early age. Sometimes limitations ruin the life of an individual and it's because of his poor schooling or because he's being just sold a degree on paper. And unfortunately he's just a pass-out and a job seeker.
Monday, 25 September 2023
Dr Iqbal and Anwar Shah Kashmiri
ہزاروں سال نرگس اپنی بے نوری پہ روتی ہے
بڑی مشکل سے ہوتا ہے چمن میں دیدہ ور پیدا
Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal has once said that it's enough for me to declare and accept that Islam is the ultimate reality and final truth, because I know a man who's really an authority and a man of enough wisdom and knowledge and cannot be defeated by any rational or any other means, has accepted and is practicing on the same Islam. Since he has accepted I've no choice other than to accept the same. After his death Dr Iqbal has written the above poetic verse on his authority and in his love. This's a special bond and the acceptance shown by the legendary figures like Iqbal for his legendary guide Allama Anwar Shah(RA).
This's how a real man shows respect and love for his guide or mentor.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Who's prepared for digital evolution?
Smart phones are highly addictive so are their network supported lines. They've evolved and are much appealing. Though that's probably now uncontrollable. Alas! The content creators too have gone far, loosing even the basic morality. Viewership is their only concern, whatever it costs, they deliver. They've their own standards and values mostly weak and corrupt, but have spread them across the globe. The codes are designing everything they wish. And without being regulated is marketed with ease even to the children. This alluring spread has high acceptance so does has it's repercussions.
اُس مصور کا مقام کیا ہوگا .
میں حیران ہوں جس نے یہ ساری کائنات کی کہانیاں لکھیں اُس مصور کا مقام کیا ہوگا
جب ہماری کہانی لکھی گئی ہو گی کیا کچھ سوچا گیا ہو گا.
Saturday, 23 September 2023
Virtuality is not the copy of reality
Virtuality is not a copy of reality. Reality has no competition. Virtuality is just an assistant. It's how chaos can be spread out. That's a bloom of ideas and interpretations. Beware! It's a trap to confuse and to make you an addictive consumer of their content.
Friday, 22 September 2023
An opinion from wise is worth acceptable
An opinion from a wise can be really a solution to the problem.But every opinion can't be entertained. As a part of psychic mechanism every individual presents or defends his inclinations.This's the experience that really reflects in your talks and behaviour. It's an observation that we all speak, whether right or wrong.And entertaining a wrong opinion can be devastating.
While acting on that, make sure that's worth acceptable.
Thursday, 21 September 2023
Insecticides Poisoning, strikes on human health
Health is everybody's priority. They say 'an apple a day keeps a doctor away'. It's recommended to use fresh veggies and fruits daily. Are they really healthy?
Insecticides and pesticides might have improved the crop yield but their poisoning has striked humans with a multitude of undiscovered and undisclosed health issues. Who cares! why're there so many health ailments to the common masses and why're the blooming? Probably what's taken in is not appropriate or is contaminated badly.
life's Full of trials
Nature sets it's own designs to assess man's powers. It just ceases the provided supportive powers to reveal how far you've grown within. It's when you've no other living choices but to stand high and to act with patience.This's hard but places you much higher than the status quo.It's possible you might pass on but it's when you're enough lucky. Oftenly it's a cause of one's sorrows and grief. A few with firm conviction, behaviour and vision sustain and accept. Rest just fail.
Life's full of trials, a series that never ends.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
stay inspired
They're asking for the betterment and upliftment, while patience, temperance, integrity, resourcefulness, industriousness, initiativeness, and cooperation is not anyways their only priority.
To fly higher, a soul with passionate wings is prerequisite. It's an ignition that fires strength to excel. To act like that, you've to serve your mind that's enough inspiring.
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Lighter moments are the laughter moments
کچھ لمحے زندگی میں ایسے ضرور ہونے چاہیے کہ جن کو جب بھی یاد کیا جائے آپ کی ہنسی رک ہی نہ جائے. یہی لمحات زندگی کو زندہ رکھتے ہیں
زندگی تو گزر ہی جائے گی مگر اگر ایسے واقعات سے بری ہو تو زیادہ اچھے سے گزرے گی
Chaos, frustrations, aggressions and life complexes can be relieved off by those lighter moments in life that are the sources of genuine positivity and calmness. Arrange them, store them and nurse them
Real Education Empowers
It's the real education that transforms. Rest rusts through rudeness, egoism and corruption.
Education empowers but the empowerment of the weak is never acceptable in a society where real education is just for the most privileged. To be powerful you need to be strong and to be strong you need to be well educated. Power gives you a domain to manipulate, to design and to grow as per the desires. So grow with the real education. Strive to be with those where it's really understood.
Monday, 18 September 2023
indiscipline acts against the academics
Corporal punishment is a crime. Everything is child centred. That's awesome. We expect a child to be self-disciplined. They're expected to go as the norms stand. The experience goes against the traditions, they're there as to break the norms. Though exceptions exist everywhere. Indiscipline at any level acts against the academics and the quality of education. A holistic framework catering this issue needs to be addressed,involving all stakeholders. Schools deserve to be centres of knowledge and wisdom, not indiscipline.
By Silence, You Can Control your Anger
Anger is devastating, it ruins peace, shatters relationships and can fly to the extremity where you have to serve the life term. This's how words can act aggressively and can multiple further. Due to this induced aggression,life gains chaos and further destruction.
Multiple constructs provide multiple solutions but it's reported in the Musnad Ahmad, narration 2137 by Ibni Abas 'Anyone amongst you who becomes angry, it's desirable for him to remain silent'. Silence is meaningful and the wise can understand that.
Anger is temporary but its marks are everlasting. Don't give yourself a reason of being guilty. Act calmly especially in the prime relationships.
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Teach Relevant
We need to teach what has relevance and that teaches self-help. Otherwise a generation of graduates will be there to curse us for our fictitious stories. An idea that's relevant and can solve a problem even at the miniature level is enough worthy than a fictitious story that can never be realised.This's why people who've set some remarkable landmarks never follow fictitious narratives. They read revolutionaries. They accumulate ideas, they work on them and therefore hit the daily stories. Change in paradigm is the panacea.Read only that's really thought provoking and builds your strong persona.
Every Thought deserves a real Look
Our children spend 7 to 9 hours in the schools. So it's actually a school that imparts knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, attitude or life style in a child. Not really a school, it's actually a teacher that really trains. All cognitive, behavioral, moral, socio-emotional and spiritual structures are build at the elementary level. Teaching is actually a simple transference of ideas. And every new thought imbibed has a mark on child's personality, consequently on his behavior. So take care of your child's personality, by taking care of who's teaching your child. Not everyone teaches right, not very thought discussed or indoctrinated is right.
freedom is good until it remains within the boundaries of natural humanity and until it does not now really hurts the human existence whether ideologically, socially, morally, emotionally or any associated domain of human life. Likely, every thought taught away from the normal cumulative approach of life or civilized approach deserves a second look until it is not been proved holistically that it has any positivity or benefit associated with it in the long term.
Saturday, 16 September 2023
زندگی کا بہتر استعمال کیا جائے
.جب آپ کے حق میں فیصلے ہوتے ہیں کوئی لاکھ برا چاہے تب بھی آپ ہی بازی مار لتے ہو
.میں نے یہ پایا کی زندگی کو اگر بہتر بنانا ہے تو جو ابھی عطاء کیا گیا ہے اُس کی قدر اور بہتر استعمال کرنا سیکھا جائے
Life is more than luxuries. Love, care, loyalty, contentment, courtesiness , wisdom and spirituality is much more valuable than the material possessions.
Friday, 15 September 2023
Stay Humble
اس بات کا بھی بہت خیال رکھنا چاہیے کہ آپ کی زندگی کے تمام امور صرف آپ کی محنت نہیں طے کرتی ہیں.یہاں یہ بھی عیاں ہے کہ بہت سارےمحنت والے تقدیر والوں کےسامنے ہاتھ پھیلاےہوے ہوتے ہیں
Adopt an attitude of gratitude, stay humble, calm and give your best in the life affairs. To make it more easy, spend a bit of your time with men of great wisdom, vision and experience.
life's a complex journey
Life's a complex journey, where important variables and determing factors can be to a greater extent manipulated by a strong set of life skills.
Thursday, 14 September 2023
تم اقبال یہ نعت کہہ تو رہے ہو،مگر یہ بھی سوچا کہ کیا کر رہے ہوکہاں تم کہاں مدح مندوب یزداں یہجرآت نہیں ہے تو پھر اور کیا ہے
تم اقبال یہ نعت کہہ تو رہے ہو،مگر یہ بھی سوچا کہ کیا کر رہے ہو
کہاں تم کہاں مدح مندوب یزداں یہ
جرآت نہیں ہے تو پھر اور کیا ہے
Sometimes a man entertains and delivers without any restrain. It's desirable to act as guided, as the code mandates for the same. However, it's turning common to speak at free will and to gratify the audience. They justify religious rationalism
During my secondary classes I used to recite that"Tum Iqbal Ye Naat khe tu rahe ho"but in real essence I've understood it much later. And fortunately these lines from Mohammad Afzal Noshahi's Naat turned amongst best lyrics listened in my life. It's vital to practice the code and speak through the actions instead to claim only
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Monday, 11 September 2023
میری؛ جان پڑھا کر
لکھنا نہیں آتا تو میری جان پڑھا کر
ہو جائے گی تیری مشکل آسان, پڑھا کر
Blinded by heart, due the dense shadows of ignorance. And consequently has put more burden on my shoulders. I'm weak to discover the real existence and realities. Now I'm in quest to overcome the darkness by a source that's incredibly and jointly radiant. The journey is endless but the thirst is evolving. I'm bended to explore further and to recall myself that
"میری جان پڑھا کر".
It's delusional to some to believe that they're blinded by heart and are just bio-physical creatures playing different roles here. Till the knot is not unfolded, enfoldment continues.
وہ اس قدر بے خود پہ نازں
جیسے اُسی کی بس یہاں زات بنی.
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Great men respect their teachers
A man is really blessed if he's an Incharge of teaching. Even if he's avaliable to teach a single idea to anyone amateur. Good teachers polish the uncivilised, refine the rude, tame the monster and order the chaos.
Great men show their strong gratitude towards their Mentors . Even if they've imbibed a single meaningful line from them.
Acknowledgement is one of the signs of being highly honest and matured in the life affairs. Only an arrogant or an absolute immature can deny that.
استاد کی ضرورت ہے
استاد بادشاہ تو نہیں ہوتا ہے مگر ایک طلب علم کو بادشاہ بنا سکتا ہے.آج کے دود کی مصیبت یہ ہے کی طلباء حقیقی اساتذہ سے دور ہو رہے ہیں اور ورچوئل اساتذہ کو ہی اپنا مان رہے ہیں . انسان کتنی کوشش بھی کر لے انسانوں والی کیفیات اور احساسات موبائل -فون میں پیدا نہیں کرسکتا ہے .بچہ لاکھ کوششوں کے باوجود بھی اسکول کےکلاس روم اور استاد کی محبت، صحبت،احساسات اور کیفیتیں موبائل فون سے حاصل نہیں کر سکتا ہے .آج کے بچوں میں آوارگی اور تناؤ کی وجہ اگر معلوم کی جائے ایک وجہ یہ
.بھی عیاں ہو گی کہ یہ بچہ اسکول اور استاد سے دور ہے
آپ کے بچے کو پہلےایک اچھے استاد کی ضرورت ہے
.اور بعد میں ایک اچھے موبائل فون کی.
Sunday, 3 September 2023
No's And Yes's in Life
If you've been raised like you're special, not for everyone. If you've been told everything is possible, not everything. If you've tried to please everyone, not everyone. If you've been strong, not every time. If you think like you all think, not all. If they've been always in your side, not now. If they've never been on your side, but now. If they've lived with worst, but not now. And if you've been so cool, not now and if you're caring, not then. This's how at times thoughts get a shape and a pattern.
Life is full of no's and yes's. Maturation is to adapt and live with that. Those who've made it have actually understood it well on time.
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society of hypocrites
"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...
A mother, a daughter or a wife is a real source of motivation and inspiration for all men of all ages, whether that's a son, a father o...
It's hard to survive, unless and until you don't have a control on your emotions. Do everything, that you can heal your emotional wo...
Internet and the network supported social networking platforms and structures are nowadays the prime time consumers of human bei...
Silence is more powerful than words. Words reflect what's going on within your mind and how you're planning to act in th...
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