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Saturday, 21 January 2023

Sadness, A shock to the future survival

A passage has been drafted to sketch up your personality and the behaviour. The lines open up extraordinarily with in the bold inverted commas, "He seems to be lost". And the it goes with these sayings that, "He's more silent, least interactive and the frequent genuine smiles hardly are Noticed in his face".The report is full of direct quotations and revelations are more shocking to a common man and to his kin and kith. "With meagre strength makes he some sentences", adds the further lines. Everyone there has an opinion and a strong convection of being a truth finder. A few make it with a perception of being enough mature and a few let it be associated with higher pride and strong egoism.The lines characterise his character and define his personality.Victimisation can be realised around his name. The lines continue with further explanations and with some consensus that it's his game.
A wise with a high pitch and vast experience wrote in response, "Sadness a typical form of disappointment, oftenly associated with the disturbed, agitated and negative feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, anguishness, disgust and a silent pain.It's borne with more silence and a pain of immediate resolution. Humanly a complex state of body and mind,involving some degree temporary detachment from the daily affairs of life. However, the continuity in its episodes can led men and women towards some form of abnormality and even some personality disorders.The impacts are reflected in the multitude of behaviours".
The talk was seconded by an expert there with these lines, "Sadness is just an outer manifestation, that something against your will has striked. This's a typical behaviour provoked by the inner complex neuro-psycho and the biological factors. Unless you've not perceived it as some bad stuff, it hardly can act as a determinant of sadness".
While that was a beautiful social gathering an another old man added some more wise lines, "Life is full of affairs involving unexpected stories and the circumstances that can be a potent reason of your longer negativity. The timely intervention from the beginning is a strong strategy to overcome that". 
A psychologist near to the scene concluded the talk with his expert opinion, "Teach your child a realistic approach to handle the life and it's multitude of affairs. Teach the skills and the life management from the very school life. Train him to handle the ups and downs of his life. Though it's mere emotional training and mere management of life affairs.But a successful tool to improve your future survival. A man with uncontrolled emotions is not only dangerous for himself but for the all having his association.Share the experiences with the young one's and guide them how to be enough resourceful and a solid solution provider. That's a powerful strategy to continue your future survival". With Silence, the talk concluded and everyone imbibed a genuine perspectives in his life. 

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