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Sunday, 8 January 2023

Social Values, binding Forces

Nobody wishes to grow and stay alone and this's how nature has acted and groomed us from the very beginning.The biological nurses within the early hours of the lives transfer naturally the bits of the vital knowledge and the skills of the adaptability, so that it's internalised that how a developing child should act responsibly within the societies. That style of growth and development leads an individual towards more care, love, sacrifice, tolerance, and perspectivism. Normal men and women are from the very beginning trained to be sociable.And maintaining social structures and social institutions is their prime responsibility as this's how they're being brought up. Just like the familial relationships, schools too strive to construct an entity that's beneficial not only for himself but for the rest of the society also. They act upon the learners through the instructions accompanied by a strong discipline. And to a very large extent, the results achieved are extraordinarily observed and recorded. 
Likewise a living society never compromises it's social virtues and has build a firewall of resistances to act against any changes that're hitting it's social and cultural values. A society that's not build on social virtues and has not done anything to safeguard them, is a dangerous society to live.
That's a structure that's mere flawed and chaotic in nature. Where men and women are least trusted and are in search of opportunities to degrade, molest, harm, overpower or even to kill the other.The victimisation generally is associated with the weak and the weaker structures. The powerful has it's own definition of harm and the crimes. They manipulate world order by breaking the societal nurtured and cared values. Beware of the them and their designs. 

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