Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Human Behavior Evolves, So Does Adaptability

 Predictions with some set probabilities can be set and through a definite correlational study an exact score of the occurrence of a specific behaviour or its frequency can be determined. The process needs thorough exactness and more objectivity if more desired results are prerequisite. However, an absolute inference can't be drawn as the human behaviour is highly complex and more unpredictable.Though the past has an impact, that can turn you either as some rubbish straw or into some complete productivity. Those who've been known enough notorious in the past are brokenhearted and have nullified their all deviations, and therefore the same obsolete measuring rod can't define them anymore. They're in no ways parallel to their past. They've reared a new set of skills and have socially evolved with greater adaptability. They're no ways as brittle and withdrawing, as you've placed false assumptions about their character and strength. They've redesigned their structures and rewired their neural links for better competence and survival. Any misadventure with such men or women is always a negative experience and has more adverse repercussions.
Judgements based on past leads can lead you towards more misunderstandings. Though you've recorded and your evidences are enough conclusive and the reliability of your sources is undoubtedly supreme.But those old declassified documents are now enough contrary to the changed and highly evolved contemporary man. So don't let your biasness or prejudices deceive you. Human behaviour is enough complex and with experiences maturity integrates into a human soul.
By default it's because of the poor social grooming, men and women act with more impulsiveness and get themselves trapped by their biasness. And of course biasness leads towards misunderstandings and is a powerful causal factor towards more intra-individual or inter-individual chaos and tussles. Never go with such a style that has no intensive and extensive evidences to support the build arguments or any designed assumptions about the manifested human behaviour. As human behaviour is enough complex and can be placed for the greater modifications and therefore the acquired greater adaptabilities.The outcome, or in the process a man or woman with a greater sense of responsibilities was planted. 

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Sadness, A shock to the future survival

A passage has been drafted to sketch up your personality and the behaviour. The lines open up extraordinarily with in the bold inverted commas, "He seems to be lost". And the it goes with these sayings that, "He's more silent, least interactive and the frequent genuine smiles hardly are Noticed in his face".The report is full of direct quotations and revelations are more shocking to a common man and to his kin and kith. "With meagre strength makes he some sentences", adds the further lines. Everyone there has an opinion and a strong convection of being a truth finder. A few make it with a perception of being enough mature and a few let it be associated with higher pride and strong egoism.The lines characterise his character and define his personality.Victimisation can be realised around his name. The lines continue with further explanations and with some consensus that it's his game.
A wise with a high pitch and vast experience wrote in response, "Sadness a typical form of disappointment, oftenly associated with the disturbed, agitated and negative feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, anguishness, disgust and a silent pain.It's borne with more silence and a pain of immediate resolution. Humanly a complex state of body and mind,involving some degree temporary detachment from the daily affairs of life. However, the continuity in its episodes can led men and women towards some form of abnormality and even some personality disorders.The impacts are reflected in the multitude of behaviours".
The talk was seconded by an expert there with these lines, "Sadness is just an outer manifestation, that something against your will has striked. This's a typical behaviour provoked by the inner complex neuro-psycho and the biological factors. Unless you've not perceived it as some bad stuff, it hardly can act as a determinant of sadness".
While that was a beautiful social gathering an another old man added some more wise lines, "Life is full of affairs involving unexpected stories and the circumstances that can be a potent reason of your longer negativity. The timely intervention from the beginning is a strong strategy to overcome that". 
A psychologist near to the scene concluded the talk with his expert opinion, "Teach your child a realistic approach to handle the life and it's multitude of affairs. Teach the skills and the life management from the very school life. Train him to handle the ups and downs of his life. Though it's mere emotional training and mere management of life affairs.But a successful tool to improve your future survival. A man with uncontrolled emotions is not only dangerous for himself but for the all having his association.Share the experiences with the young one's and guide them how to be enough resourceful and a solid solution provider. That's a powerful strategy to continue your future survival". With Silence, the talk concluded and everyone imbibed a genuine perspectives in his life. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Evolving AI, Manipulative Algorithms

Internet and the network supported social networking platforms and structures are nowadays the prime time consumers of human beings. No one is spared, from a newborn, a year old infant to a 70 years aged grand pa. The innocence of the childhood and the wisdom of the aged was a real treasure that a society should have in possession. That legacy and experiential heritage should've got transfered. Unfortunately,they've been realised as some miracle. Not because it's has disappeared but we're being wired not to think, feel and act like that anyways. This's not astonishing but the records go to support it. Hours in a day are being spend and lost on surfing and scrolling the undesired content on these ultra evolving modern gadgets. And this's not the end, the visuals, sound tracks and their impact on the thought processes continue hours after we're being engaged somewhere in the discussions or being left to think alone or placed in the dream stages of the sleep cycles. They're Incharge of our thoughts and off course controlling the body mechanisms. An insight needs to be generated and disclosed before the targeted populations so that necessary intervention are built.The AI is rapidly evolving and impacting with greater strength on our growth and development. 
As if this's a typical social engineering aided by the advanced AI and technological tools.They're rewiring the styles and the patterns of human thought processes strongly through their smart interfaces. And are more happy, powerful and enthusiastic to advance it to the next level.Whether an experiment goes wrong or if they've to sell their products or the services. Through the powerful attention psychology and typical algorithmic patterns we're being programmed to think and act accordingly how their business evolves and consume their contents without limits. They're in control of our lives and the life affairs.And they've been so successful in creating a need and a market, that you should possess a smart cell phone or some ultra modern screen gadgets, backed by regular network packages. A generation is being structured that's passively consuming their contents and services.How far it has got the conscious or the subconscious support is a more typical line of human research. Whatsoever that's, we're at the receiving end. And it's what's to be called as addictive consumerism.
The content created and spreaded is generally more rubbish than productive. However it's more appealing and devoid of general productivity but the time shrinks with the resources. Believe me they've dived in the human psychic and reported to the bosses that how to get and retain the span of attention. And get the behavior reinforced and turn it into the mere dangerous addictive consumerism.They've realised what's to be called a miraculously build structures. 
The utility can't be denied but the concerns need to be addressed with sincerity. An empire of power always strives to expand the kingdom without the consequences. However, those in control should give it a look that how's this manipulative Algorithm and evolving AI impacting human lives and the human relationships. Isn't it a way of ceasing human creativity and acting adversely on human natural development. These reflections deserve some sincere ears and actions demand to be genuine and summarised inferences need to be verified with more objectivity. If that's not now heard, future is expected to be more bleak. 

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Social Values, binding Forces

Nobody wishes to grow and stay alone and this's how nature has acted and groomed us from the very beginning.The biological nurses within the early hours of the lives transfer naturally the bits of the vital knowledge and the skills of the adaptability, so that it's internalised that how a developing child should act responsibly within the societies. That style of growth and development leads an individual towards more care, love, sacrifice, tolerance, and perspectivism. Normal men and women are from the very beginning trained to be sociable.And maintaining social structures and social institutions is their prime responsibility as this's how they're being brought up. Just like the familial relationships, schools too strive to construct an entity that's beneficial not only for himself but for the rest of the society also. They act upon the learners through the instructions accompanied by a strong discipline. And to a very large extent, the results achieved are extraordinarily observed and recorded. 
Likewise a living society never compromises it's social virtues and has build a firewall of resistances to act against any changes that're hitting it's social and cultural values. A society that's not build on social virtues and has not done anything to safeguard them, is a dangerous society to live.
That's a structure that's mere flawed and chaotic in nature. Where men and women are least trusted and are in search of opportunities to degrade, molest, harm, overpower or even to kill the other.The victimisation generally is associated with the weak and the weaker structures. The powerful has it's own definition of harm and the crimes. They manipulate world order by breaking the societal nurtured and cared values. Beware of the them and their designs. 

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Dream realistically!

The life and it's multitude of affairs never go as per the expectancy paradigm. Unbelievable, you've gone through it and sometimes you've a bad luck are the garland lines credited to us. Permanency is not a suited word to describe it's affairs. Unpredictable here is more certain than the uncertainty itself. You're not the only one sailing in the boat. More men and women find it in their intact schematic archives of the mind. This's not meant to anyways to don't let you strive for your goodness. But a bitter realisation that you can't dream about anything and get it materialised anyways. There's a lot either inherited or that's influencing you and set there to restrict your further heights. Again this's absolutely not a discouragement. But knowledge to build your adaptability and a pure sense of realities of life.It seems crude and may be more rudeness reflects in the tone. However, a day will reach you've to handle yourself, if all this goes unseen.
The moment the acceptance makes a way through you, a lot within you bends and impacts your behaviour. You're now in more control of your life,as you've explored the areas that have been tough on you. So you plan and execute your daily course of life accordingly. Where you've not the fear of the unexpected outcomes and your response to those inferences is more in control.
Everything can't be sold as everything is not beneficial for everyone there in the market. Through the school system and the media outlets an unrealistic approach of thinking, feeling and the behaviour is being inculcated. Contexts vary, so does the impacts of dreaming about everything. And especially when you've been caged to aspire within the walls. What's been taught outside can go against the war how you've been build inside and the vice-versa. This's tussle between what's structured inside and what's designed outside has a strong impact on human mind and behaviour. A few succumb due to this structural imbalance and those who've adapted to the scenes and scenarios survive.
Before you've to assimilate anything from the outside collect enough evidences that gives your belief system a genuineness and sound precision to be placed among the hierarchical radiant blocks of your cognition. This's what validates your mental structures and gives a positive meaning to your future course of actions. So receive with validation, design with realities and act with meaningfulness. 

Reading to improve

society of hypocrites

"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...