Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Cherish Every moment of Time

Cherish every moment, for time is a silent sculptor, shaping our lives in ways we often overlook. Value it sincerely, and you'll discover life's true treasures, both within and around you.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Enemies make you smart

Don't be irritated by your enemies. They're their just to make you as good as possible. Because they're their to make you smart, alert and always ready act under all circumstances. 

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Growth lies in pain

Till you're not hurt, you'll not grow. For growth pain is necessary. 

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Libraries, Centre of growth and relaxation

Libraries are the heart of knowledge and wisdom, serving as resource centers that foster the development of healthy reading habits and independent learning in children. Regular visits to the library instill a love for reading in silence, promoting personal growth and reflection. Holding a book in hand brings a sense of calmness and relaxation, positively impacting both body and mind. It enriches one's knowledge and understanding, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the diverse cultures of the world.
The confidence gained from reading and learning equips individuals to speak with authority. Libraries offer a refreshing break from the monotony of classrooms, serving as a haven for students to rejuvenate their minds. The benefits of engaging with libraries are profound and long-lasting, making them indispensable in a student's academic journey. School libraries, in particular, are treasure troves of resources and knowledge, acting as study centers where scholars and academicians are nurtured.
Strength is built and goals are achieved within the walls of a library. Making library visits a part of your daily routine can transform reading into a cherished hobby, providing the time and space to learn and grow. Embrace the library as a vital part of your academic life, and let it guide you on the path to wisdom and success.

Be Cautious of your enemies

If you're growing, be cautious you're being surrounded by your enemies. An open enemy is easy to handle and to defend. Because he's predictable and it's expected he's gonna to hit you anyways whenever he's in a position to attack. While an enemy in disguise form  and acting as a friend is strongly fatal and he's always acting against you and you're not awared about the things. Be vigil they're more dangerous as they're more unpredictable. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Don't regret, live fully, future is your's

You're hurt, you're disturbed and you're not living your life. Because you're regretting about your past, you're over thinking about your future and because you've associated your happiness with other people.
Rewire yourself ! You're not the same old guy. Your past has taught you a lot and if you're going to be happy here and live it fully, surely your future is going to be better. 

Focus and focus

Focus is what gives you control over all things. 

Sunday, 21 July 2024

every man has two faces

Everyone man has two faces, one for himself and the other for the external world. 

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Calm your mind

Calmness of mind can give you power to empower those surrounding you. Don't let your emotions control and destroy you. With more calmness you can decide wisely and act with all necessary skills. 

Invest in future

Future is expensive, invest here wisely. 

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

اس مرض کا حا ل یہ ہے

اس مرض کا حال یہ ہے
کہ علاج تیرے سوا کچھ بھی نہیں 

Monday, 15 July 2024

Change takes time to accustomise

Wisely try to utilise every possible opportunity.Change is never easily accepted.Wait you'll be accustomised.

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Tips how to start a manual car?

How to start a manual car here's how it goes.It goes like this way :
1.Check out if your car is on neutal mode.
2.Ensure you've pulled your handbrakes. 
3.Insert your car key, move one point till the ignition starts. Wait a few seconds and turn slowly your key for the second point.
4.Have your clutch pedal and brake pedal pressed before starting the car.
5.Pull off your foot from the brakes and slowly pulling from the clutch and slowly pressing the accelerator pedal at the same time. Your car will be motion. 
This's how it goes. For the first 10 kilometres use gear 1,for the 10 to 20 use gear 2,for 30 to 40 kms use gear 3 and for above 40 km/h use gear 5 and for the reverse use gear R. That's reverse one.
For the beginners gear 2 is better but it consumes more oil than the use of conventionally used gear for a well trained person. 

Don't seek approval from enemies

 Whatever is good should be practiced in possible ways. Don't wait for the approval from your surroundings. Because anything that's going to empower you or give you more control over others that's not been given any support from your environment. They wish you're weaker than them. They desire if you beg to them. If exceptions exist they exist. Rest this's a reality and a bold truth.

Most of the time due to the poor self and weak confidence people ignore us, mistreat is, delay our work or try to malign our name and fame.This's all de-humanisation is all due to their desire to distroy you and everything that help you to grow. They're just trying to weaken your inner peace and strengths. As if you're going to act on the righteousness they're going to see a competitor or a more strong entity. So tell me what're you going to do know?

Seeking approval from those who're your fake followers and supporters is just a poor mentality and a way of hampering your self growth. Just learn, learn more by reading and spending some quality time with me of real courage and greatness. That's enough, now act on your plans and move on. 

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Spend yourself Wisely

Everything worth in life demands time, efforts and resources. 

Being loyal is a highest form of virtue

Don't be disloyal, until it's not imposed. Being loyal is a highest virtue that's a corner stone for the trust and eventually for the better social structures. It's a binding force of growing civilisations. 

Teach your child how to remain safe, this's all what they're required.

Teach your children how to remain safe. This's all what they need. This's the sum of all the books they're supposed to imbibe.
Being safe means secure in all ways. Personally, socially, economically and whatever is required. 

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Take advantage from the technology

Technology has impact ful, just take advantage from it. If you don't someone else will take it.
If you take it probably you're more far ahead then the rest of the civilisations. 

Money manipulates life

Believe me, you're messing with yourself if you've not well versed yourself in earning and using money wisely. Learn how to earn, learn to how make money from the money.
A salary has limits, so does it has on your life affairs. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Monday, 8 July 2024

First comes you

How can you say you're important to anyone else,when you're not important for yourself anyways. 

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Recharge yourself

Take time to recharge yourself.Don't you know you're surrounded by a number of energy draining forces. 

Don't let them distroy you

In order to grow, you've to avoid being mislead by people. They're their to confuse you, irritate you, disintegrate you, hurt you or simply to overcome you.
Stand up! Work against your all odds. Don't let them trap you. Don't let them down you. This's what they've prepared from the beginning. Understand it and just believe in yourself. Believe again, again and again that you've to remain there and you deserve a better status and to be treated in a more acceptable way. 

اور پھر یہ حال ہوا کہبس تیرے نام کی تسبیح کی

اور پھر یہ حال ہوا کہ
! بس تیرے نام کی تسبیح کی

Friday, 5 July 2024

غلط امید لگائے بیٹھے ہیں

تم نے بس یہ غلطی کی ہے کہ امید لگا بیٹھے تھے کہ تمارا کام کوئی اور کرے گا 

احمد فراز

بندگی ہم نے چھوڑ دی ہے فرازؔ
کیا کریں لوگ جب خدا ہو جائیں

زندگی تو نے قیمت وہ لگائی

زندگی تو نے قیمت وہ لگائی
کہ اوقات سے باہر ہو گئی 

Thursday, 4 July 2024

. فکر معاش، عشق بتاں

. فکر معاش، عشق بتاں، یاد رفتگاں
اس زندگی میں اب کوئی کیا کیا، کیا کرے

محمد رفیع سودا

With pure attention success is guaranteed

Sometimes you have to stop paying your attention on little things or what's defined as unimportant. As attention consumes energy and therefore resources.
You've to focus what's important and spend most of your energy and resources on them. 
Why you've not reached your desired end is because you're divided within you and not enough sincere to avoid everything that can catch up your attention. 

اور جب یاد پڑتا ہے وہ بچپن

  اور جب یاد پڑتا ہے وہ بچپن 

کہ میں روٹ بھی جاتا اور خود کو منا بھی لیتا

اور اب کہ وہ مزاج نہیں

! وہ صورت نہیں، وہ سیرت نہیں

We're designed imperfect

 This level of sensitivity is not good as we're not designed to be perfect. We forget, we miss, we lack and many more imperfections exist within us. Accept that and move on to be good person.

Those who're claiming to be perfect are relying on a false truth. The reality is you can minimise your imperfections not in toto elimination them. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

They're taming your real self

People try to tame you as they don't like as if you're going against them. The tell you the stories that're just building your unreal self so that you just believe what they're making you to believe. Beware! They're destroying your real self. The self that can empower you and overcome them. That can build you stronger, that can instil in you courage to face challenges and the character to face any odds in life. 

تو تمارا دل ٹوٹ جاتا ہے

 جو کرے حق پہ بات کبھی ہم
تب ہی تو تمارا دل ٹوٹ جاتا ہے 

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

The system only supports the more privileged

Unfortunately it was not found in the text books what if i was unable to be a doctor or an engineer. And what if I've failed to be a successful man. What if i was not hired anywhere. What if i was deceived for my good intentions or actions.
The system supports the privileged, even if they're supported by the ordinary system. They've a supportive system that feeds them and they're somehow existing under any circumstances. 
Unfortunately you're the outcome of the circumstances. As you're not anyways favoured by the environment even if you're enough capable to impact. You're capability has a negation from the system where you're thriving in. 

لوگ ادھورے ہو گئے ہیں

لوگ ادھورے ہو گئے ہیں
جو ہم پورے ہو گئے ہیں 

Decide wisely

Let you decide what you're gonna be. But decide it wisely. 

Monday, 1 July 2024

NEP 2020 Structure

NEP 2020 replaces the 10+2+3 structure with 5+3+3+4 structure with the following stages :
1.Foundational Stage :3-8years(pre-primary to grade 1-2
2. Preparatory Stage:8-11 years (grade 3-5)
3.Middle Age:11-14 years (grade 6-8)
4.Secondary Stage :14-18 years (grade 9-12)
5.Higher Stage: of 3-4 years with multiple exit options
i). certificate for completing 1 year
ii). Diploma for completing 2 years
iii). Bachelors degree after 3 years
iv). Bachelors degree with research in 4 years 

Reading to improve

society of hypocrites

"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...