Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

They're taming your real self

People try to tame you as they don't like as if you're going against them. The tell you the stories that're just building your unreal self so that you just believe what they're making you to believe. Beware! They're destroying your real self. The self that can empower you and overcome them. That can build you stronger, that can instil in you courage to face challenges and the character to face any odds in life. 

تو تمارا دل ٹوٹ جاتا ہے

 جو کرے حق پہ بات کبھی ہم
تب ہی تو تمارا دل ٹوٹ جاتا ہے 

Tuesday 2 July 2024

The system only supports the more privileged

Unfortunately it was not found in the text books what if i was unable to be a doctor or an engineer. And what if I've failed to be a successful man. What if i was not hired anywhere. What if i was deceived for my good intentions or actions.
The system supports the privileged, even if they're supported by the ordinary system. They've a supportive system that feeds them and they're somehow existing under any circumstances. 
Unfortunately you're the outcome of the circumstances. As you're not anyways favoured by the environment even if you're enough capable to impact. You're capability has a negation from the system where you're thriving in. 

لوگ ادھورے ہو گئے ہیں

لوگ ادھورے ہو گئے ہیں
جو ہم پورے ہو گئے ہیں 

Decide wisely

Let you decide what you're gonna be. But decide it wisely. 

Monday 1 July 2024

NEP 2020 Structure

NEP 2020 replaces the 10+2+3 structure with 5+3+3+4 structure with the following stages :
1.Foundational Stage :3-8years(pre-primary to grade 1-2
2. Preparatory Stage:8-11 years (grade 3-5)
3.Middle Age:11-14 years (grade 6-8)
4.Secondary Stage :14-18 years (grade 9-12)
5.Higher Stage: of 3-4 years with multiple exit options
i). certificate for completing 1 year
ii). Diploma for completing 2 years
iii). Bachelors degree after 3 years
iv). Bachelors degree with research in 4 years 

Reading to improve

They're taming your real self

People try to tame you as they don't like as if you're going against them. The tell you the stories that're just building your u...