Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Sometimes it's hard to understand a writer.

A man is an embodiment of emotions and no one can claim that they've fully understood you. As they're just on the first page of the book, how can they pretend to know the processes you've gone through. It's a mere lie in reality and this's how it's put in words where it's hard to grasp what's really going on within a mind of the writer.

اور امیر مینائ ان حالات کو یوں الفاظ پہنتا ہیں 

    خنجر چلے کسی پہ تڑپتے ہیں ہم امیرؔ

    سارے جہاں کا درد ہمارے جگر میں ہے

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