Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Monday 13 May 2024

laughter dose, a shot for better life.

Believe me you've to start giving yourself a laughter dose by enjoying every possible opportunity in life. Otherwise, you'll lose charm of everything that stands upright for you. I'm afraid that one day you'll die with a number of regrets and with the utmost regrets of not giving yourself a dose of possible or available smiles. There's a need of company that entertains in real sense. Create a bit of your time for some amusement, for some light moments.
Stop being a perfectionist. Believe, mistakes are possible and Imperfection is a reality. Avoid being prejudiced and let things move in a flow. Take positivity's from the people. Pile up your inner strengths and let you believe you deserve to be a happy man. 

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