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Thursday 16 May 2024

Erik Erickson theory of psychosocial development, an overview of various stages

AgeConflictImportant EventsOutcome
Infancy (birth to 18 months)Trust vs. Mistrust FeedingHope
Early Childhood (2 to 3 years)Autonomy vs. Shame and DoubtToilet TrainingWill
Preschool (3 to 5 years)Initiative vs. GuiltExplorationPurpose
School Age (6 to 11 years)Industry vs. InferioritySchoolConfidence
Adolescence (12 to 18 years)Identity vs. Role ConfusionSocial RelationshipsFidelity
Young Adulthood (19 to 40 years)Intimacy vs. IsolationRelationshipsLove
Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years)Generativity vs. StagnationWork and ParenthoodCare
Maturity (65 to death)Ego Integrity vs. DespairReflection on LifeWisdom
A brief summary of the eight stages

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