Words of power

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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

In The Halls of Academia, Outdated knowledge persists

In the halls of academia, echoes of outdated knowledge persist, seemingly indifferent to the evolving needs of a dynamic society. Our educational institutions, once beacons of enlightenment, now risk becoming custodians of irrelevance. It is a disconcerting reality when the curriculum fails to mirror the pulse of the masses, raising questions about the purpose of education. Are we unintentionally nurturing a generation ill-equipped for the challenges of tomorrow, or is this a deliberate oversight? The call for a reevaluation of priorities resonates, demanding a shift towards cultivating pertinent skills and fostering a profound connection to the world's evolving landscape. In this crucible of education, the choice lies between crafting architects of progress or inadvertently nurturing a legion of intellectual parasites. The time has come for a deliberate and empathetic examination of our educational compass, ensuring that it guides the next generation towards relevance, sensitivity, and a purposeful engagement with the world that awaits them.

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