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Teaching and blogging as an attitude.

Monday, 13 March 2023

Discipline, A Style of Success

In search of such a soul and character that's enough strong to bear and evolve in any form of pain, turbulences and setbacks, i've met none and have concluded boldly that there is no such an exemplary model in the contemporary times that i can replicate with zeal and zest. That's himself a pious soul, noble and refined in standard ways. A character that's strong to face the unworthy and undesired. A soul and a character that's trained to be pure and bold and designed sharpely with evolved physical, spiritual and functional adaptabilities. As men and women with weakness is not being liked anywhere and anyhow. This's not because you're nursed to be sober but because your patience is sometimes being compromised and over exploited. 
There's a story with many lines describing your genre and class without placing any end they put it in a series of descriptions and try to associate and malign your character and persona with features like ugliness, weaknesses, inferiority,adversity, shyness, meagre means of income, least influential, Vulgarity, rudeness, stubbornness and sometimes chaotic. This's how you can be defined by some people and even your next kin and kith.Indeed this's hurtful but reacting to everything circulating is you're just expanding their impact and compounding your mistakes.These theories might hold some logic but their factuality is based on fabricated evidences. They're there to build a narrative that's interest based and to pull down your charismatic stance and intellectual levels.Possibly this might be a case that you're not much disciplined in your life or have have failed to prove yourself that you're enough worthy. You've poor inter- communication skills and unfortunately you've have never reflected more on your structures and efficiencies. That's you've imbibed weak values surrounding you. This's what's going to hurt you as circumstances and the environment changes. 
Discipline is holding yourself and holding and bearing the pain of not being chaotic and uncontrolled. It's a training of holding your inner chaos and frustrations and placing your energies on more specific lines and giving direction and meaning to the displaced random dots. Likely overt frustrations, covert frustrations do disturb a man by disturbing his inner peace and strengths. It's reflected as if things go wrong and go out of control. You're always complaining for their alignment but things took always a new way.
Your's lazy, arrogant, rude, fake, dishonest, corrupt, impulsive all these things are due to the habitual indiscipline you're struggling with.And they've attained a status of being habitual in functioning now. 
Do not complain because you've decided to live with your indiscipline or because you've adopted a weak philosophy of life. Move yourself to act positively in your life. Act where you're weak and improve in your shortcomings. Build an arena and time set where you'll change and build your structures and wings. 
Accept what've you achieved or where you're standing. Accept your complete status quo. Nourish that, grow with that, care that and finally you've what other's just dream about. Life is not all about what you do not have but what you've gotten and have managed to fly with that. Probably that's where you need to be trained and get educated. Schools just teach you've to reach those heights but now body cares how the meagre resources can be manged to reach those far heights.
Calm down and reflect where are you and where you wana be. Has anything changed or have you ever tried to change yourself. Introspect on the expectation graph you've build on fate and your nears and dears. Have they helped you ever?Or you're just living with your own build falsified assumption empire. Likely as an air bubble, only in appearance it has some strength but in reality that's empty and weak. Who's gonna to fight for you. Who's gonna to make a change in your life. Has of now, anyone taken that Seriousl? Or you're just dreaming about that some angelic forms will pour and change your whole story.That's a myth, where you've been trapped and the trap evolves. 
Don't miss opportunities, that're really being repeated. If you get one, take that. And Don't think and over think. Let you execute the initial plan, initial decision or an initial step. Sometimes you just wait for that right moment and that never reaches. And finally all life turns out to be a mess. So what're you waiting for. Click on the start button. Kill your fears that're always turning you off and have damaged your self, ego, career, passion and everything that's worth of.
A rush of ideas will boost your enthusiasm and charisma but that's wasted if you've not decided to act on them. Don't worry about those who're standing outside your arena of success and are there just to hurt your sentiments and plans. Plan strongly, use everything wisely and get it executed anyhow. You've done it amazingly believe it. 
Train yourself by educating yourself more and more. Take notes. Act on them. Show persistence. Never think what has made you to fall and grasped you in the past. Refresh yourself and retain your present. Cheer up for your future. Don't worry how past has hurted you or what you've done in the past. Act now, build now, get now, show now and go now.
Your're your own motivation. Don't wait when the blessing of showers will pour and you'll be delighted. Take what's, mange what's, go with what's.A time will reach when everything cared and manged would be projected as a miraculous process with extraordinary results. That's how world responds to the pain of being Disciplined. 
Everything extraordinary achieved is due to a long process that ones was started by a single go and has achieved the results because of the patience you've set to not let yourself go out of arena of struggle and fight. Miracles are the fruits of pain of being enough disciplined and being committed to improve in your life and life affairs. 

Reading to improve

society of hypocrites

"We belong to a hypocritical society where to make others believe in your sadness, you must shed tears, and to prove your illness, you ...